The custom Geant4 commands available in the molecularDNA application are listed here. These commands are implemented in the messenger classes of molecularDNA.
Table of contents
command | description | parameters |
analysisDNA/saveStrands | Bool to set whether strands ought be saved use /analysisDNA/strandDir to set location |
analysisDNA/strandDir | Directory to save DNA damage fragments |
analysisDNA/fragmentGap | Gap between DNA fragments in base pairs. Set to zero to score placement volumes independently |
analysisDNA/diagnosticChain | Save the position of hits histones only on one chain |
analysisDNA/dsbDistance | Max separation of DSBs. Must be less than 31. |
analysisDNA/testClassifier | Run unit test for break classification | |
analysisDNA/fileName | ROOT output file name |
command | description | parameters |
cell/radiusSize | Set semi-major axes for cell (x, y, z) - unset, whole world is water |
command | description | parameters (example for cyl) |
chromosome/add | Add a chromosomal region for analysis of damage. Format: shape name geometry-commands shape is: sphere or cyl or rod or ellipse geometry-commands are: - for sphere: radius x y z unit [rx ry rz] - for cyl: radius height x y z unit [rx ry rz] - for rod: radius height x y z unit [rx ry rz] - for ellipse: x-half-axis y-half-axis z-half-axis x y z unit [rx ry rz] Rotations are optional and in degrees. For example, for an ellipsoid chromosomal region corresponding to a cell nucleus, one can use the following command (as in the macro human_cell.mac): /chromosome/add cell ellipse 7100 2500 7100 0 0 0 nm 0 0 0 |
chromosome/plotData | Save plot data to specified file |
command | description | parameters |
dnadamage/directDamageLower | Minimum Energy required for an SSB. Chance grows linearly until it reaches the upper value. |
dnadamage/directDamageUpper | Energy required for an SSB to definitely occur |
dnadamage/indirectOHBaseChance | Chance [0,1] of a OH damaging a base |
dnadamage/indirectOHStrandChance | Chance [0,1] of a OH damaging sugar-phosphate |
dnadamage/inductionOHChance | Chance [0,1] of a Base + OH -> strand break |
dnadamage/indirectHBaseChance | Chance [0,1] of a H damaging a base |
dnadamage/indirectHStrandChance | Chance [0,1] of a H damaging sugar-phosphate |
dnadamage/inductionHChance | Chance [0,1] of a Base + H -> strand break |
dnadamage/indirectEaqBaseChance | Chance [0,1] of a Eaq damaging a base |
dnadamage/indirectEaqStrandChance | Chance [0,1] of a Eaq damaging sugar-phosphate |
dnadamage/inductionEaqChance | Chance [0,1] of a Base + Eaq -> strand break |
command | description | parameters |
dnageom/placementVolume | Set a placement volume format: name path |
dnageom/definitionFile | Path to file that defines placement locations |
dnageom/placementSize | Side length for each placement (x, y, z) |
dnageom/fractalScaling | Scaling of XYZ in fractal definition file |
dnageom/checkOverlaps | Check overlaps in DNA geometry region |
dnageom/verbose | Verbosity for DNA geometry |
dnageom/setSmartVoxels | Optimisation value (int) for smart voxels The G4 default is 2 |
dnageom/interactionDirectRange | Critical range to start recording SSBs from direct effects |
dnageom/radicalKillDistance | Distance from base pairs at which to kill radicals |
dnageom/activateHistoneScavenging | Activate Histone scavenging function |
dnageom/drawCellVolumes | Draw cell/chromosome volumes rather than DNA (makes DNA invisible) |
dnageom/setVoxelPlacementAnglesAsMultiplesOfPi | Take the angles in the voxel placement file as multiples of pi. E.g. set to true if the angle 0.5 should mean 90 degrees. |
dnageom/useCustomMoleculeSizes | Enable custom molecule sizes. These can be set via /dnageom/moleculeSize. |
dnageom/moleculeSize | Set a molecule size in angstrom. format: molecule_name x y z. E.g.: PHOSPHATE 3 4 5. Note: molecule names are case insensitive. |
command | description | parameters |
dnatests/basepairs | Test chromosome placement classes |
dnatests/chromosome | Test base pair indices are correct |
dnatests/uniqueid | Test unique ID algorithm |
command | description | parameters |
world/worldSize | Side length for the world |