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The custom Geant4 commands available in the molecularDNA application are listed here. These commands are implemented in the messenger classes of molecularDNA.

Table of contents

  1. analysisDNA
  2. cell
  3. chromosome
  4. damage
  5. dnageom
  6. dnatests
  7. world


analysisDNA/saveStrandsBool to set whether strands ought be saved use /analysisDNA/strandDir to set location
  1. (bool, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
analysisDNA/strandDirDirectory to save DNA damage fragments
  1. DNA fragments (str, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
analysisDNA/fragmentGapGap between DNA fragments in base pairs. Set to zero to score placement volumes independently
  1. Base Pair gap (int, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
analysisDNA/diagnosticChainSave the position of hits histones only on one chain
  1. Chain Index (int, Default: Not Set, Omittable: True)
analysisDNA/dsbDistanceMax separation of DSBs. Must be less than 31.
  1. Max. DSB distance. (int, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
analysisDNA/testClassifierRun unit test for break classification
analysisDNA/fileNameROOT output file name
  1. ROOT output file name (str, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)


cell/radiusSizeSet semi-major axes for cell (x, y, z) - unset, whole world is water
  1. xradius (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
  2. yradius (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
  3. zradius (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
  4. Unit (str, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)


commanddescriptionparameters (example for cyl)
chromosome/add Add a chromosomal region for analysis of damage.

Format: shape name geometry-commands

shape is: sphere or cyl or rod or ellipse

geometry-commands are:
- for sphere: radius x y z unit [rx ry rz]
- for cyl: radius height x y z unit [rx ry rz]
- for rod: radius height x y z unit [rx ry rz]
- for ellipse: x-half-axis y-half-axis z-half-axis x y z unit [rx ry rz]

Rotations are optional and in degrees.

For example, for an ellipsoid chromosomal region corresponding to a cell nucleus, one can use the following command (as in the macro human_cell.mac):

/chromosome/add cell ellipse 7100 2500 7100 0 0 0 nm 0 0 0
  1. radius (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
  2. height (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
  3. x (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
  4. y (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
  5. z (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
  6. Unit (str, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
  7. [xrotation (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
  8. yrotation (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
  9. zrotation] (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
chromosome/plotData Save plot data to specified file
  1. name (str, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)


dnadamage/directDamageLowerMinimum Energy required for an SSB. Chance grows linearly until it reaches the upper value.
  1. energy value (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
  2. Unit (str, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
dnadamage/directDamageUpperEnergy required for an SSB to definitely occur
  1. energy value (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
  2. Unit (str, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
dnadamage/indirectOHBaseChanceChance [0,1] of a OH damaging a base
  1. chance (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
dnadamage/indirectOHStrandChanceChance [0,1] of a OH damaging sugar-phosphate
  1. chance (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
dnadamage/inductionOHChanceChance [0,1] of a Base + OH -> strand break
  1. chance (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
dnadamage/indirectHBaseChanceChance [0,1] of a H damaging a base
  1. chance (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
dnadamage/indirectHStrandChanceChance [0,1] of a H damaging sugar-phosphate
  1. chance (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
dnadamage/inductionHChanceChance [0,1] of a Base + H -> strand break
  1. chance (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
dnadamage/indirectEaqBaseChanceChance [0,1] of a Eaq damaging a base
  1. chance (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
dnadamage/indirectEaqStrandChanceChance [0,1] of a Eaq damaging sugar-phosphate
  1. chance (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
dnadamage/inductionEaqChanceChance [0,1] of a Base + Eaq -> strand break
  1. chance (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)


dnageom/placementVolume Set a placement volume format: name path
  1. name path (str, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
dnageom/definitionFilePath to file that defines placement locations
  1. path (str, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
dnageom/placementSizeSide length for each placement (x, y, z)
  1. xlength (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
  2. ylength (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
  3. zlength (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
  4. Unit (str, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
dnageom/fractalScalingScaling of XYZ in fractal definition file
  1. xlength (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
  2. ylength (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
  3. zlength (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
  4. Unit (str, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
dnageom/checkOverlapsCheck overlaps in DNA geometry region
  1. true/false check overlaps (bool, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
dnageom/verboseVerbosity for DNA geometry
  1. int verbose level (int, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
dnageom/setSmartVoxelsOptimisation value (int) for smart voxels The G4 default is 2
  1. Optimisation value (int, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
dnageom/interactionDirectRangeCritical range to start recording SSBs from direct effects
  1. Range (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
  2. Unit (str, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
dnageom/radicalKillDistanceDistance from base pairs at which to kill radicals
  1. Range (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
  2. Unit (str, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
dnageom/activateHistoneScavengingActivate Histone scavenging function
  1. true/false Histone function (bool, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
dnageom/drawCellVolumesDraw cell/chromosome volumes rather than DNA (makes DNA invisible)
  1. true/false draw cell volumes (bool, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
dnageom/setVoxelPlacementAnglesAsMultiplesOfPi Take the angles in the voxel placement file as multiples of pi.
E.g. set to true if the angle 0.5 should mean 90 degrees.
  1. true/false (bool, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
dnageom/useCustomMoleculeSizes Enable custom molecule sizes.
These can be set via /dnageom/moleculeSize.
  1. true/false (bool, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
dnageom/moleculeSizeSet a molecule size in angstrom. format: molecule_name x y z.
E.g.: PHOSPHATE 3 4 5.
Note: molecule names are case insensitive.
  1. name (str, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
  2. xlength (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
  3. ylength (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
  4. zlength (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)


dnatests/basepairs Test chromosome placement classes
dnatests/chromosome Test base pair indices are correct
dnatests/uniqueid Test unique ID algorithm


world/worldSizeSide length for the world
  1. Side length (double, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)
  2. Unit (str, Default: Not Set, Omittable: False)